About Us

GIve cedar glen a try!


Each meeting is a Blind Tasting. The whiskey has been decanted out of the original packaging and into unmarked bottles. This allows for a truly unbiased tasting experience.

We cycle through each whiskey with discussion about the notes and gather the scores. If members wish to make a guess, we’ll field discussion about the origin of the flight. This is followed by the reveal and a brief education about the distillery or theme of the flight.

Then we break for some food and then we open The Vault, where members can try whiskies from meetings they may have missed.

Whiskey Wisdom

Why Choose Us

The combined years of experience amongst our members makes this a great way to find like-minded enthusiasts or an easy way to dip your toe into the world of whiskey drinking.

Check out our upcoming events.

Cost Effective Way To Try New Whiskies

Your dues go into a coop pool of money used to buy the whiskies we sample during the year..

Carefully Curated Flights

Our blind tastings are formed to maximize education and enjoyment.

Selections Are Often “Hard to Find”

We strive to find whiskies that aren’t usually on the local shelves or brand-new on the market.

Great Group Of “Whiskey Friends”

Share whiskies, notes and scores with a group of fellow enthusiasts and newbies.


Fans of cedar glen

While not everyone is comfortable speaking in group situations, much less articulating what flavors and notes they pull out of a glencairn glass, but are not pretentious or intimidating at all.

Guests who have tried us have commented that we make it easy and many have gone on to become regulars, if not full members.

Darrin Fullerton, Spirit Guide

“You really got something here. What you do for each meeting is amazing. The whiskey, the presentation, it really is a fun experience.” 

Mark Africa

Ready To Begin Your Whiskey Journey?

We look forward to meeting more Whiskey Enthusiasts. Contact us today!